The best cameras in the world are our eyes. Vision is our dominant sense. Our sight is more than just how clearly we see: vision is the process of deriving meaning from what is seen. It is a complex, learned and developed set of functions that involve a multitude of skills. Research estimates that 80 to 85% of our perception, learning, cognition and activities are mediated through vision.
The symptoms we experience to do with our eyes and eyesight, such as long-sightedness, short-sightedness, astigmatism, conjunctivitis and cataracts, are connected to our reactions to these perceptions. With a comprehension of META-Vision, we can work out what it is we’re perceiving that has led to these symptoms – and what needs to change in order to resolve them and gain a clearer vision of the world.
A transformation in integrative eye health
META-Vision transcends and integrates existing modern, complementary and alternative approaches to eye health. This advanced approach focuses on WHY we get eye issues. Based on META-Health, it reveals how our symptoms are always meaningful; how and why they begin, and how they connect to our perceptions of life situations. It also demonstrates how symptoms are part of a comprehensive mind-body-social process of healing.
The goal of META-Vision enquiry is to identify the individual cause of the problem, and work with the cause, rather than simply ameliorating the symptoms.
Once we understand this information and how it fits into our own lives, we are empowered to heal – we can choose the right solutions to help us overcome our health challenges.
The meanings behind eye symptoms
Modern medicine tends to view symptoms as the body’s malfunction or erroneous degeneration, and therefore seeks to suppress or counteract them. If we develop short- or long-sightedness, we wear corrective lenses. This makes sense up to a point. Many complementary and alternative therapies also aim to reduce symptoms.
Yet the presupposition is that the symptom is the problem, and the goal is only to reduce symptoms rather than seeking to undercover the root cause: the reason why the symptom is there in the first place.
META-Vision takes a different starting point
Symptoms are seen as part of a meaningful reaction to a specific stimulus. Our symptoms arise in response to life events, and the goal of the body-mind is to overcome a challenge, restore balance, and ultimately, ensure survival.
To find out why an organ develops a symptom, we need to understand its function. For example, consider the function of tears: they are an expression of emotion. So if we have dry eyes, this shows a deep emotional pain due to our inability to grieve, the inability to cry about a shocking, sad event where there was a visual separation, a loss of a beloved person for example.
Finding the root cause
Why do we get eye problems?
Common explanations for refractive errors include physiological stress (such as spending too long in front of a computer screen, using inadequate lighting), or – in the case of presbyopia – a side-effect of ageing!
We often develop the same eye issues as our parents, which is usually taken as a sign that it’s a genetic defect. Interestingly, epigeneticists like Dr Bruce Lipton demonstrate that it’s more likely that we’ve unintentionally taken on their beliefs and emotional patterns.
These risk factors are only part of the picture – they may predispose us to developing certain health issues. META-Vision takes the enquiry to a more personal and specific level, enabling us to uncover the significant emotional events and perceptions that led to a symptom change.
When we experience a negative experience that is unexpected, emotional and dramatic, and we don’t know what to do, we respond by going into a fight-flight-freeze response. The emotion we experience at the time of a shocking event determines how we see ourselves and how our body responds. The fixed self-image is the main culprit of the dis-ease process.
The emotions that cause eye problems are visual shocks: the body responds logically and intelligently!
For example…
- Corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis and eczema around the eyes are caused by different types of visual separation: losing sight of somebody or something we want to be connected with
- Styes are caused by a visual disgust conflict
- Presbyopia (long-sightedness in the aged) is related to a fear of the future, or of seeing a distant danger, and wanting to see it better. Many people in their 40s and 50s get age-related long-sightedness because they want to see what’s going to happen in their future
- Myopia, or short-sightedness, is connected to fear of an event in the distance, and wanting to see what’s close and safe. For example, teenagers who fear being bullied and do not want to see the bully approaching
These are just a few very basic emotional themes – each area of the eye has a very specific meaning and emotional connection.
The cataract connection
Dr Kwesi shared in one of his courses that he had different clients with cataracts:
- One women developed cataract after she was told by her adult son that he is now a father himself and does not need a mother any more
- Another women developed cataract after her husband passed away
- A man developed cataract after he became a pensioner
What is it that they all had in common?
It is the loss of purpose in life, the feeling that all the joy and colour of life has gone; that the world is grey, empty and meaningless. They all saw themselves in a fixed way: as a mother, a wife and a worker respectively. The meaning of the cataract is to shield them from the unbearable meaningless life when they saw themselves as nobody. Dr Kwesi calls cataract the surrender of the ego.
For every eye dis-ease there is a specific characteristic meaning behind it. During a META-Vision analysis, we piece together the meaning of the particular eye condition with the perceptions of the client’s life events, and the emotions and belief patterns associated with them.
The colours and emotions
Uncovering the emotions is critical in understanding the mind-body reaction and healing process. Dr Kwesi integrates Colour Psychology into META-Vision analysis, as this enables us to differentiate between emotional patterns. For instance, cataracts are associated with the colour grey, and macular degeneration with the colour yellow.
Each colour stands for a distinct emotion and reveals the underlying hidden cause of the dis-ease process. The colours can also be used for therapy as well as for diagnosis.
The eyes in stress and regeneration
META-Vision explains how dis-ease is not fixed, but a process with two distinct phases: the stress phase and the regeneration phase.
The stress phase is characterised by the sympathetic flight-flight-freeze response, and its purpose is to provide the energy and resources to overcome the stressful situation. The stress phase is followed by the parasympathetic regeneration phase, in which the body rebalances and recovers from the preceding stress.
Some eye issues occur during the stress phase, for example styes, which act as a barrier against a stressful situation we want to protect ourselves from. Other eye conditions occur when we’re recovering from stress, for example, conjunctivitis, which is the resensitisation of the conjunctiva (the layer of the eyes that connects the eyelid with the eyeball) after a period of visual separation. During the stress phase, there is numbness of this layer, which is usually unnoticed.
Why do eyesight issues become chronic?
The completion of a whole cycle of stress followed by regeneration is a healing process. We have reacted to a stressor, overcome it, and rebalanced from it. If we have learned what we needed to from the situation, and know how to react differently in the future, then we don’t need to go through another cycle.
Yet often eye conditions seem fixed and stuck, such as a glasses prescription for short-sightedness that remains unchanged for years, or ‘dry eyes’ that constantly weep. This indicates a chronic pattern. Even when a significant emotional event has occurred a long time, the emotional reaction pattern established at the time of the shock is still present. The individual is perceiving, thinking, feeling and behaving in the same way. Uncovering and changing this pattern is required in order for full healing to occur.
Creating an eye META-Therapy Plan
Once these patterns are uncovered, we can overcome the underlying issues as well as the presenting symptom. An effective META-Therapy plan covers each level of being:
- Mind and emotions – resolving the stuck emotions and negative thoughts about the stressful life situations. Effective techniques for release include NLP, EFT and Landmark coaching methodologies. This is crucial for healing, as it’s the thoughts and emotions that begin and underlie a dis-ease process
- Body – supporting healing through conventional, complementary or alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, nutritional support, homoeopathy and vision training
- Social environment – actively changing your interactions with others, behaviour and life. Coaching can help to change stuck behaviours and reaction patterns
- Spirit – gaining the lessons from the issue and evolving consciously. For example, learning to see life and your future more clearly
Uncovering and overcoming the causes of our eye issues enables us to unlock the secrets of not just our eyes, but of how we really see ourselves.
Find out more
If you’d like to explore META-Vision for yourself or others, the best place to start is with our META-Health Academy Introductory Seminar or our META-Health Academy Transformational Foundation Training.