By Miho Nonami
META-Health Master Trainer Miho Nonami shares her journey from being a Medical Doctor through Spiritual Healing to META-Health
My questions and frustration
‘What brings disease to people?’and ‘what is the cause of illness?’ These were questions that came up repeatedly in my mind when I was working in Japan as a medical doctor.
I remember very well a case I encountered at a post-mortem examination at the department of pathology. The subject was a middle-aged man who had died with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). He once had a complete remission after a bone-marrow transplant, but several years later, leukemia cells proliferated in his bone marrow again, which finally caused his death.
After the transplant, it was known that his blood type changed, which meant the leukemia cells had completely disappeared from his body, and healthy ones had replaced them. However, the cells turned malignant again. Why did this happen?
As an MD, I had to give an answer to this question, but the pathological examination couldn’t explain the reason for the recurrence. I felt massive frustration but there was nothing I could do at that time.
My realisations and search
Later, by combing my experience as a GP and an Employment Medical Advisor, I realised two things:
- A person’s mental state is associated in some way with his or her physical problems
- Conventional medicine is of little use in healing chronic physical issues (e.g. allergies, auto-immune disease) and mental issues (e.g. phobias, mental disorders). It only reduces symptoms but never heals the problem completely
I turned my attention to other approaches and tried several different methods of medical treatment while I was working in mainstream medicine. It came to my attention that the UK is advanced in alternative medicine and when I came to the UK in 2008, I decided to learn alternative therapies for holistic healing.
By studying spiritual counselling, spiritual healing and Findhorn Flower Essences, I gradually realised that humans are energy beings – and energies include emotions and beliefs. Among these, negative energies such as anxiety, fear, distrust, anger or resentment might have an adverse effect on the physical and mental conditions of human beings, and finally cause disease.
Answers to my questions
In the autumn of 2010, I heard about META-Health, then called META-Medicine, and attended a Foundation Weekend. The core principles I learned were a major paradigm shift for me. META-Health clearly answered my longstanding questions.
From a META-Health point of view, blood cells produced in bone marrow relate to deep self-devaluation. I did not meet that person with CML when he was alive, but I understood he would have had an inferiority conflict, deep enough to threaten his identity.
During the period he was in the stress phase, his bone marrow was suppressed and tumour cells weren’t detected; he was symptom-free. After he experienced some resolution (probably compensatory) and turned to the regeneration phase, the bone marrow reacted to his emotional relief, and started to produce a huge number of cells which showed characteristics of leukemia.
As his self-devaluation had remained intact, the recurrence was only a matter of time. I understand that to cure him completely, a simple transplant of bone marrow was not enough and a holistic approach was necessary.
What META-Health did was not just to explain the return of CML; it analyzed the cause of my own physical issues, in a totally convincing way. I felt it was what I had been looking for. I immediately decided to learn more about META-Health.
My ongoing journey
It is an amazing system to understand health. For me, it has been a process of paradigm shift, self-discovery and awareness. To learn it was sometimes tough but fun.
Now I’ve been working with META-Health for 5 years, supporting people who are looking for solutions for their issues and offering META-Health training. As a holistic therapist with the background in conventional medicine, I intend to offer the best solutions to my clients and META-Health works as the central part of my service.
Find out more
Dr Miho Nonami is based in Tokyo and offers therapy, coaching and training in META-Health. She is a META-Health Master Trainer, META-Kinetics Master Practitioner and EFT Practitioner, and is qualified in several other advanced approaches including spiritual healing and the Transformation Game. Visit Miho’s website here
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