By Gaetana (Tanny) Tonti
This is a case study which comes from one of my life experiences; it is about my son and his snoring …This became a bit of an issue for me too as I could hear him, even though we were sleeping in separate rooms! I never believed a little chap could snore that strong!
A mum’s concern
My son had been snoring for the last month and a half, so it started raising my concern because I was worried about his health. I knew from his dad (who is a GP), this really seems funny, that it is quite normal for kids to snore. What we had to check out was if the condition might have led to apnea during sleep.
So I found myself waking up at night “checking” his chest and breathing. One night I did notice he had some apnea moments which would last a few seconds….
The power of META-Kinetics
Of course, I did then dive into my META-Health approach and thought it would be best to use META-Kinetics in a self-surrogate way. this means working on someone else (surrogate for my son) but without any other person (which means working on my own – self testing). I find this surrogate self-testing great as I can work independently without having to rely on the presence and time of someone else.
META-Kinetics in itself is great, and I find it even more amazing as it allows us to work on children, who might not yet be able to speak … or just not able to engage and access such depth of information…
Investigating Miro’s issue
Using self-testing, I was guided to investigate with META-Kinetics in a very deep way, eliciting information that connects and spans through several layers of awareness; bridging together the physical-mental-emotional-spiritual levels and accessing information very deeply rooted within the journey of the person. How cool is that?!
There can be many ways in which the system might choose to elicit information. In this case the first step was to find information (to be specific: 5 limiting beliefs, 3 emotions and 3 organ-brain relays) and then to discuss the information, find the connections and links to see how these create patterns of behaviour and thoughts.
Eliciting the information
I chose to be quite detailed, which shows the precision and depth of this methodology. The 5 beliefs included ‘I have to be good’ and ‘I have to impress’. The 3 emotions were ‘repressed’, ‘sore’ and ‘confident’.
All these did in a way resonate with the sense I was getting from my son’s behaviour … but of course, we need to get specific and more precise!!
The organ-brain relays were also interesting and very relevant to the snoring:
- Brain stem with parotid gland, with the META-Meaning of not being able to grab/spit out the morsel
- Brain stem with pharyngeal tonsil, with the META-Meaning of the inability to swallow or let go of a chunk
- Post sensory cortex with throat, about brutal separation and resistance/struggle
I thought it was interesting that 2 issues were linked to brain stem (survival stuff) and the 3rd was post sensory which has the component of deep separation.
Connecting the information
This was all the information that the system needed, what had to be done was put it together! This methodology is great because we can get extremely precise thanks to the analogue way of testing. It allows us to continuously check and refine the information and test its accuracy on a scale that goes from 0 to 100% of “relevance”.
There were three statements summarising the issue behind Miro’s snoring:
- As I have to be good, I have to subvert my own initiatives but I can’t accept this “rubbish”
- I am not able to accept that I feel lonely and I need to impress not to feel sore
- As I know how to see where my self concept distorts reality, but I think I have to be good, I am angry towards myself
The core of the issue
Exploring further, what emerged was that the sense of loneliness was at the bottom of everything. This leads to him looking for attention, and to impress others (mainly his parents). This is also linked to wanting to be good, in order to be liked, and thus not lonely. This process is in contrast with his “deeper self”, so he gets angry towards himself and does not like this “wrong” behaviour.
The core belief underneath all this is “I have to escape my loneliness” . This felt very true for him; he often says “I don’t like being alone”.
With all this there was also an unconscious gain of getting attention from both parents.
Balancing the system
We then looked for some corrections to bring the system into equilibrium again. These included using the META-Health Master Practitioner process of integration on the statements, along with EFT, so they no longer hold any energy. And some food alterations: deleting olive oil and mozzarella …
It’s interesting how all levels of being are engaged and influence each other. I have also noticed that the system of children is so sensitive that sometimes subtle changes can have great impact on the whole system.
Interesting outcomes
A few days later I did the integration …. And … he did sleep better with less snoring! Yea!!
The day following the integration he did seem more demanding of my attention, yet very loving and empathic. The night after he felt sick: sore tummy and headache … all nice signs of regeneration!
On the physical level these are signs of letting go of stuck stuff; on the emotional/behavioural levels, him being more demanding and more difficult for the initial time is linked to letting go and clearing those emotions.
Now he is sleeping without snoring any more!
I really think it is great to have the possibility of discovering and understanding the deeper issues of children. Children are small in their body, but infinite within their soul and it is a gift and privilege to be able to connect in such a deep level; yet they are very sensitive beings and deserve help and support to help them grow and develop.
Find out more
Tanny has trained with us as a META-Health Coach, META-Kinetics Master Practitioner and EFT Advanced Practitioner. Before coming to META-Health in 2011, Tanny gained a PhD in cellular biology and worked in the field of biological research. She is the author of the book EFT and Children and offers consultations in Manchester and Chester in the UK and Rimini in Italy. Contact Tanny via her website.
Find out about META-Kinetics and how to train in META-Kinetics here.
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