EFT Practitioner Training Course
AAMET Accredited EFT Practitioner Training - Level 2
The completion of EFT Level 1 Training is a prerequisite to attending this training
EFT Practitioner Training - Level 2
Do you want to gain the skills and certification in how to facilitate your clients with this fast and effective approach to dealing with emotional issues of all kinds, based on meridian tapping and energy psychology.
On our 2-day Level 2 Practitioner course, you'll learn how to use EFT, gain the core EFT techniques and approaches, and learn how to apply EFT to a wide range of issues. It is an informative, experiential, enjoyable and often transformational training programme (AAMET Certified).
Attending this programme will enable you to develop the understanding, skills and techniques to:
- Go beyond stress management and anger management training with EFT
- Discover and overcome your personal barriers to success
- Release tension, gain rapid stress relief and learn a profound relaxation technique
- Help your friends, family, clients and colleagues
- Use EFT regularly to accelerate your personal development
- Let go of negative emotions, physical pains, traumatic memories, cravings and more!
Our EFT Practitioner course builds on the Level 1 EFT Foundation course, so the Level 1 course is a pre-requisite to joining this programme.
Robert Sefton Jai Waghmare
Certified AAMET Certified EFT Master Trainer
Certified AAMET Certified EFT Master Trainer
The founder of the META-Health Academy, Robert is an EFT Master Trainer and Master Practitioner with over 10 years experience working with and developing method of energy and evolutionary psychology. Robert Lives and works in Solihull where has a very successful client practice.
He is also META-Health Developer, Master Trainer and Consultant. He specialisises in emotional stress, anxiety and trauma release methods and as helped 100's of people overcome complex health issues and reach more of their health, life, relationship and career potential.
Robert has expertise and professional experience combining tools, technques and methdologies from EFT, Energy Psyhology, Evolutionary Psychology, META-Health, META-Kinetics (Advanced Kinesiology of Consciousness), Neuro Linguistic Programming, Brain Working Recursive Therapy, Matrix Energetics, Spiral dynamics, The Human Design Sytem & 64 Keys.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Dates TBC
Early Bird Discount Finishes in
Book Early SAVE £100
There are a strictly limited number of discounted "Early Bird tickets" which are available up to two months before the programme start date. The earlier you book the more your chance of saving. Once the timer runs out pricing will default to Standard pricing.

EFT & Related course dates, timings and venues
Why consider joining this EFT Practitioner certification training?
- Learn effective EFT techniques, approaches and short cuts with a Robert who has over 10 years practical experience in training applying EFT integrated with NLP META-health and META-kinetics.
- Discover how to use EFT to lead groups and "Borrowing Benefits"
- Learn how to use EFT for physical symptoms - with bonus Introduction to META-Health with a world leading developer and Master Trainer of META-Health
- Find out how to identify and release core issues quickly
- Begin to work towards your'e EFT Practitioner status and use EFT to help clients
- Learn how to use EFT via telephone or internet
NB: You are required to complete EFT Level 1 before joining the Level 2 course.
What you'll get from the EFT Level 2 Course:
- Understand the key concepts of Emotional Freedom Techniques and how it goes beyond approaches such as reiki, hypnosis and psychotherapy
- Gain practical know how - witness and understand the effect of a balancing a disrupted energy system and access a relaxation therapy
- The Basic Recipe - Learn the full EFT protocol, with demonstrations and practice
- EFT shortcuts - ways to streamline this already quick and elegant therapy
- Techniques to greatly improve the effectiveness of EFT - including dealing with shifting aspects of memories & emotions and special points
- TESTING the effectiveness of treatments and how to handle situations that can arise
- EXPERIENCE powerful EFT techniques - including the Tearless Trauma Technique, Chasing the Pain and Touch and Breathe
- Understanding cognitive shifts - what verbal and physical signs to expect for stress relief
- PRACTICE working with various issues & experiencing powerful results of EFT on your own or others issues, and experience working with bothersome memories, fears and phobias, goals and barriers and self-limiting beliefs
EFT Training Level 2 (2 Days) includes…
- Understanding how our lives, the people with whom we have interacted, and the situations we have found ourselves in, in the past, become the focus and filters through which we see and experience life now
- Using Affirmations with EFT - understanding the reasons why these potentially incredible methods of focusing our intention and creating our desired reality often fail to work. Also how we can use EFT to remove these obstacles and create the future we desire
- Additional Tapping Points - other meridian points that can be added to aid EFT treatments
- Ways to inject more gentleness into the EFT procedure - The Gentle Techniques - The Tearless Trauma Technique, Chasing the Pain and Sneaking up on the Problem
- Ways to Find Core Issues - Questions and techniques to get to the core issues and root causes of physical and emotional problems
- Addressing Physical Issues - Methods to get to the core issues and emotional reasons behind physical issues and disease.
- Further Methods for Testing Results - determining whether an issue has been completely collapsed and how look for remaining aspects.
- Working with EFT by Telephone - the many benefits of using EFT via the telephone
- Delivering EFT in Groups - looking at the application, uses and advantages of group tapping
- Borrowing Benefits - see and experience the many powerful 'Positive Side Effects' when using EFT in groups
EFT Practitioner Certification requirements - AAMET
After completing an AAMET Level 2 course, EFT students have the option of pursuing AAMET EFT Practitioner Certification. In addition to completion of the Levels 1 and 2 training courses, AAMET requires an intensive mentoring and assessment process for certification. To achieve the level of AAMET Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner, students must successfully complete the following minimum competency requirements as follows:
• Pass the online multiple-choice Practitioner Exam via the AAMET International website. A Practitioner-Candidate (or “Candidate”) must be an AAMET member to access the exam and generally joins as an EFT Student member at this time
• Receive 6 hours supervision/mentoring (either 1-to-1 or in a group of 8 or less) with any AAMET Master Trainer (in the role of Supervising Mentor). Mentoring can be conducted in-person, over the phone, via Skype, or via webinar.
• Submit to Trainer / Supervising Mentor a minimum of 4 case studies: 3 Client Case Studies (on separate individuals) and 1 Personal Case Study. Case studies must demonstrate competent, professional, and individualized* application of foundational EFT skills acquired during EFT Levels 1 and 2 training and post-training practice and experience. *See 2016 EFT Case Study Guidance Manual for further details
• Provide an in-person OR audio OR video demonstration of an EFT session, and discuss this session with Supervising Mentor. This demonstration (and discussion) will count as one Client Case Study
• Complete a minimum of 50 EFT sessions (or “practice hours”) working with at least 20 different individuals. Each EFT session must be a minimum of 45-minutes in length.
• Complete any additional, discretionary requirements as outlined by the AAMET Master Trainer / Supervising Mentor during the certification process.
Mentors may require additional client sessions / practice hours, 1-to-1 mentoring meetings or case studies as needed to complete their assessment Once the Candidate has completed all of the requirements and the Supervising Mentor is confident that Candidate has met the competencies and standards for Practitioner Level set by AAMET, Mentor will inform the AAMET Membership Secretary that all requirements have been met.
The Membership Secretary will then invite the Candidate (via email) to upgrade their membership on AAMET.org from EFT Student to Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner.
To maintain AAMET Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner status, members must fulfill annual CPD and supervision/mentoring requirements. CPD (Continuous Professional Development) is 30 hours of EFT-related study (i.e. videos, workshops, books, audio presentations, etc.). Supervision/Mentoring is 6 hours annual mentoring (individual or group of 8 or less) with an AAMET Master Trainer / Supervising Mentor or Approved Supervisor (a Certified, Advanced EFT Practitioner who has been approved by AAMET to offer annual Supervision / Mentoring).

META-Health Academy 24 Hour Money Back Guarantee
We are so sure that you will have you an wonderful experience that if you feel within the 1st 24 hours of this training that its not for you. We will refund your training fee in full. So you literally have No Risk of financial loss. We can’t promise that you won’t let go of a few limiting beliefs, negative emotions and painful memories though!
Terms and conditions apply. You must notify a member of staff or the lead trainer as soon as you feel triggered, emotionally challenged or come to believe the training isn’t suitable for you. We will ask you to discuss your reasoning, difficulty or concern. This has to be done within 24 hours of initial contact with the Lead Trainer. Please Note we’ve never had anyone leave a training. This guarantee is a symbol of our commitment to you and a demonstration of our confidence to deliver a enjoyable training for everyone involved
EFT Practitioner Booking Details
Please see Calendar for latest course dates, timings and venue information
How to book:
Completing EFT Level 1 is a prerequisite for attending the EFT Level 2 course.
Course Investment: £395 per person. This Includes the cost of certification
If you wish to book EFT Level 1 and Level 2 together the cost is £595. Including case study and practice review certification process
For those wishing to refresh, it is £100 (request discount code) for previous META-Health Academy student and 50% of the course fee for those who have studied with another AAMET Trainer.
Advance bookings only. Click on the Book Now button below to pay online
If you'd like to find out more, please call us on 0845 838 6787 or email us at info@metahealthacademy.com